Saturday, February 28, 2009

Is Fear Holding You Back

As you gotten to know me, you have probably noticed that personal development and education are very important to me. I believe that by not only studying the great works of famous motivators, but by taking action on what I have learned, I will become the best person I can become.

On yet another journey into to building my repertoire of my own greatness, I spent an afternoon listening to yet another fabulous teacher. The wonderful “Anthony Robbins”. If you are familiar with “Tony” you will recognize him one of the greatest motivators of modern time, and know that his teaching have helped to improve the lives of thousands throughout the world. Needless to say I am one of those people.

The topic of this particular audio was the fear of pain. As I listened I was struck with a moment of clarity. We all do thing in our life to “minimize pain and maximize pleasure.” We fear pain and we desire pleasure.

If we are honest with ourselves we know that fear is simply the invalidated expectation of something that we perceive may happen. We all experience fear, sometimes much of it is subconscious, other times we validate through an illusion that it is a reality.

So the expectation of fear controls us. The state of fear causes us so much pain that it becomes greater than the pleasure we will achieve if we take action. We are paralyzed by the illusion of fear and so remain in the pain of our current existence.

Let me give you an example:

Many of use see prosperity and abundance as a state of extreme pleasure. But, we fear the pain that we must go through to achieve this greatness. In this case although the opportunity I have presented you with may give you the life of our dreams, you are paralyzed by the fear of what you must do in order to be successful.

On the other hand we feel pain from the life we are currently living where we may lack abundance and prosperity. But the fact remains unless we come to feel more pain from the life we are currently living in, and it is greater than the fear of the pain we must go through to be successful, then we will remain in the first state.

So if you truly want to make your dreams a reality, you must learn to feel more pain from the state you do not want to be in, and feel great pleasure in the journey towards the state that you desire.

“Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is a freedom.” – Marilyn Ferguson

Are Your Dreams Just Dreams?

Last night I had an interesting dream. I dreamed that I made a difference in the world, that I helped thousands of people achieve greatness. But for me this was not just a dream. I know without a shadow of a doubt, that this is in fact my destiny.

So this brought me to wondering, when you dream about the things you wish to achieve, do they pass like a whisper in the night? Are they short lived, or long lasting? Do you adjust your dreams with the flavor of the month, or are you steadfast in your recognition of what is only fantasy and what you wish to become reality?

Lots of times we dream about a better life, about helping others, or changing our current situation. But sadly most people are unwilling to take the steps necessary to actually turn their dreams into reality. They waste their imagination on fantasy and do nothing to fulfill the greater purpose for which they were meant.

You are the only person who can decide to make reality out of what was once only a fantasy. Only you can take the steps to change your life. Only you can stop dreaming and start living.

So what are you willing to do to become the person that now is only a passing vision in a good nights sleep? What are you willing to do, to stop wishing and start living? What are you willing to do to take the situation you are currently in and make it better.

Think of people like Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King. They were willing to do whatever it took to change the world to be a better place for us to live in. They also became inspirations to millions of people worldwide. Regular people with more than just big dreams. Regular people with the initiative to do whatever it took to take their purpose to the next level.

Will you step outside of your fantasy world, and make reality out of a simple dream? Or will you fold at the smallest inkling of fear? Ponder this question seriously, for within its’ answer lies your fate.

“Success, happiness, peace of mind and fulfillment--the most priceless of human treasures--are available to all among us, without exception, who make things happen--who make *good* things happen--in the world around them.” Joe Klock

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Truth About The Last Weeks Events at Zrii

The last week at Zrii has been nothing more than sensational. Some might be concerned about the recent events thinking this might mean the demise of the company. But that is exactly the opposite of what just happened. The poison is out and now Zrii will carry on with more strength than ever.

Jason Domingo, Kirby Zenger and Keith Fitzgerald, amoung others thought that their actions could take down one of the best companies ever in this industry. But their actions actually had the opposite effect. Bill Farley and Zrii are now in a position to move forward with the vision that was initially put in place by Bill and the Chopra Center. Zrii is bigger than all of us. The vision will change lives and make the world a better place.

To learn more visit my good friend and partner Dave Vass' blog at

You deserve to know the truth.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How Much Money Will You Make In MLM?

Like most people you are probably wondering, how am I guaranteed that I will make money if I do this business?

Let me be completely honest. You’re not guaranteed to make any money. Like I have said before, this is a business. And like any other business there are certain things that one must do to have a return on their investment.

You are the only person that can answer how much you are going to earn. I honestly have no idea.

How hard are you going to work? Are you going to follow the system you are given? Will you be consistent and persistent? Will you follow up with your prospects? Will you commit to learning about the business? Will you educate yourself on Network Marketing? Will you never quit?

The reason I can’t tell you how much money you are going to make is because only you can answer the questions I just asked you. Only you can decide your own worth. Only you can commit. And only you can turn your dreams into reality by taking action.

So next time you are wondering, how much money will you make, stop and think before you ask. What are you willing to do?

Set your own expectations. How much money do you want to make? The only limitation you have, is the one you set. In reality, there are no limits to the earning potential you have in this industry.

“Men who have attained things worth having in this world have worked while others idled, have persevered while others gave up in despair, have practiced early in life the valuable habits of self-denial, industry, and singleness of purpose. As a result, they enjoy in later life the success so often erroneously attributed to good luck.” – Grenville Kleiser

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The One MLM Rule, You Don't Want To Break

When I first started my business in MLM, I used to promise volume to people. I used to do whatever it took to bring them into my business, whether or not they wanted. The advantage I had was that I knew I could always sponsor more people, and so I could at least initially keep my promise. Unfortunately when I gave people this volume they came to expect a cheque. The thing was, they were not willing to do any work themselves! It did not motivate them, rather it made them even more lazy.

So what happened? In the beginning they were getting a cheque. Sometimes quite a sizeable one! So you are probably thinking, that is great, that would keep you customers, right? Wrong. Once people start getting a cheque, they start expecting a cheque. And if that cheque at anytime decreases, they feel cheated. Cheated??? I am not sure what kind of world they live in, they took a product that was incredibly healthy, and were given money!! And the scary part is that they never did any work what so ever to deserve that cheque. So when the money decreases because some of the line below them starts to see some attrition, rather than going out and finding new people, they complain. Yes you heard me right they complain!! Imagine that. You are given something for free and you complain. And you know what happens next? They eventually quit too.

So my advise to you (and what I do now) is never promise anything. You are giving someone an opportunity, not a lottery ticket. Explain right out of the gates that this is a business. A business has ups and a business has downs. Customers and associates come and go. Sales will go up and sales will go down. If they want to make money they will have to work. No actually they will have to work hard. Very hard. If they want to make money they will have to work for it. Just like anything else in life. And it won't happen overnight. A business takes years to build, not weeks or months. This business is hard, and they will have to work to get their first, second and 100th cheque. Any volume that you may or may not give them is a gift, not a right.

So take my advice, don't promise anything in this business. Be honest, be upfront and you won't appear desperate, and you won't end up sponsoring people who don't deserve your opportunity in the first place. If they don't get it and they aren't willing to work, then sponsor them as a customer!! Tell them you are not willing to sponsor them as an associate unless you know they actually get it, and they commit to you and themselves, that they are willing to do the work. Be strong, be tough, not desperate, and your business and you will be much better off.

Friday, December 12, 2008

It's A Cold Snowy Night In Calgary

As I sit here tonight, looking out at the cold, blowing snow, it makes me wonder, why on earth did man settle in Canada? I mean really, with warm beautiful climates scattered throughout the world, what was he thinking? With that said, what were my parents thinking? Okay I think I can answer that question. Two reasons really. Number one, family. This is where my parents were raised. So this is where they stayed. Number two, opportunity, or lack there of. My father was a farmer, born and raised on a farm, this was the only life he knew. My mother, well she went to university for a short while, but then she met my father, soon a baby arrived and so she became a farmer's wife. Don't get me wrong, farmers feed the world. My parents are great people who taught me the meaning of hard work and commitment. Honestly I don't think the cold bothers my parents. They seem fine with it, like a fact of life that has left little choice. I on the other had, hate it. Honestly, I sit by the fireplace and dream of beaches and white sand. But unlike most people, I'm not just dreaming, I'm doing something about it.

So here is the question. What am I doing about it? How do I know that I will not be destined to live through these cold winters for ever? Why? Because I am willing to do whatever it takes to change my future. I am working hard to build a new life for my family. One where a job does not determine where we live, or how we live. But rather I'm building a future of freedom, of choice, and one based on no limitations. Does this mean I will sacrifice today? Absolutely. Does it mean I am limiting my options today? Absolutely. So you are probably wondering, why would someone give up what they have now, for a dream of freedom that isn't guaranteed? Here is why, because I am not like most people. I refuse to settle. I refuse to work at a job I don't love, no matter how much it pays. And I refuse to quit.

"Some people dream of success, while others wake up and work hard at it."

I believe the reason most people never achieve their dreams, is because to them they are simply dreams. They have not put a plan into place, and they certainly are not willing to do whatever it takes to make that dream a reality. They are not willing to sacrifice and they are certainly not willing to practice delayed gratification. You see, we live in a society of instant gratification. Or at least, we try hard to always have instant gratification. Why do you think our economy is in such dire straights right now? Because people can't say no. We as a culture, finance, finance and finance some more. Why? Because we want what we want, when we want it. Not later, not tomorrow, but today.

So here is my question to you? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to make your dreams come true? Are you willing to practice delayed gratification? Are you willing to see if you can make it in the real world of network marketing? The world where you work hard, you make mistakes and you have ups and downs. The world where you get black eyes and gold stars all in the same year? Are you willing to burn your bridges, move forward and never look back? Are you going to step out of the mold you've created and create a new one?

As Henry Ford once said, "I am looking for a lot of people who have an infinite capacity to NOT know what can't be done."

It takes a certain kind of person to make it in this industry. A person who believes in what they are doing, who works hard, and who is not ashamed of what others think or believe. This is the real world of MLM, this is what defines the the winners from the losers. So my challenge to you today is to decide. Decide if you will live a life of cold winter storms, or one where your dreams become a reality?

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Honest Truth About Network Marketing

This post may come as a surprise to you. In fact some might find it down right blantant and convince themselves I must be lying. Why? Because I am not going to sugar coat network marketing. I'm not going to try and convince you to do this business. And I certainly am not going to try and convince you this is an easy way to make quick money and replace your current income (or past income if you've recently lost your job).

Often when people get involved in network marketing for the first time they assume it will be easy. They feel that because they have only made a small investment to get started that it isn't a "real business". They assume they shouldn't have to invest any money above and beyond their initial start kit or their monthly auto-shipment. And last but not least they certainly shouldn't have to invest much time into building their business.

Well I'm here to tell you the truth. Network Marketing is not easy. In fact it's really, really hard. I mean let's be honest. You got into network marketing to make some money. Maybe it's a little money, maybe it's a lot. So please tell me, what business can you get involved in and make money if it you don't work hard at it? What business can you do that you don't have to invest money into? And most of all what business can you make money at that you don't actually spend some honest time building? Honestly I'm challenging you to tell me what business out there is easy and takes almost zero serious commitment to make a serious return? If you can think of one please show me. I'm no idiot, I'd go for a guaranteed business that requires no work and no money too. But alas, I guarantee, none exist.

So let's paint a picture of the typical business model. Let's say you just bought a McDonald's franchise. Depending where you live,your price may range from about $500,000 to a cool million. Now that's just for the rights to sell the burgers and fries. You still have to set up shop, find a place to lease, hire staff, an accountant, a manager etc. etc. etc. I'm just guessing (because I've never done it), this is going to take some serious hard work, and months of planning and preparation. I'm also guessing your monthly overhead for product, staff, advertising is oh maybe $50,000+/month minimum. So after taking all this time and spending all this money and obviously taking on all this risk, just to open your doors and sell your first burger, my question is this...... Are you guaranteed to make a profit? Are you guaranteed to make your initial investment back in the first week, month or even first couple of years? I going to make an educated guess here and guess the answer is no.

So my question is this.....why would anyone in their right mind do all that work and put themselves at that much risk if they aren't guaranteed a profit? Why? Because if they work hard and they do everything right, they should start to see a profit in about 3 to 5 years. Yes I said it, 3 to 5 YEARS. Not 3 to 5 weeks!!!

So why is network marketing viewed by the average individual as a lottery ticket with the "lucky set of numbers"? For some unknown reason, people believe that when they get into network marketing, it should be easy. They believe they should be able to recoup their investment in weeks and be able to pay for the product in a few months. They believe they shouldn't have to invest into marketing, phone bills, courses, books, travel or anything but the monthly autoship. They believe they don't need to attend meetings, go to trainings, attend conventions or any other event where they might, god forbid, network!! And after not investing anything into their business, they believe they should be guaranteed a profit. Stop and think for a moment. Does that make any reasonable sense what-so-ever? Do these people really think that someone is going to hand them a successful million dollar business on a platter?

Let's look at this another way. Let's see, in order to obtain a college degree it takes anywhere from 2 to 4 years. It takes a heck of a lot longer if you actually want to specialize or become a master or doctor in your chosen profession. So let's estimate it costs anywhere from $6000 a year to $20,000 a year to get a degree. Are you paid while you go to school? Last time I checked not very likely. In fact last time I checked you aren't even guaranteed a job after you commit yourselves to all these years of study. And yet, every year thousands of students all over the world spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours in pursuit of a 'Job" that may or may not exist when they are finished.

So if you are looking for a "get rich quick", sit on the couch and roll in passive income, then pass on network marketing. Because this is a real business. Network marketing takes hard work, dedication, education, consistency and yes you actually have to talk to people, a lot of people. So if you thought this was going to be easy, think again, you are about to get a reality check!!